The Library Action Plan on this site is based on the Library Action Plan document created in 2022 and approved by our General Faculties Council.
The MacEwan University Teaching Greatness: Strategic Vision 2030 is a bold and ambitious high-level vision. The staff and library faculty of the John L. Haar Library embarked on a journey to imagine how we could respond and support this vision while at the same time shaping and being shaped by the cultural and technological transformations around us.
The process of developing this plan included small group discussions and all-staff workshops. On June 14, 2022 all library staff and librarians were invited to a virtual planning kickoff that included an update on the hiring of a Canada Research Chair in Immersive Learning, the need for the Library to consider a new library system, and a reminder of the ingredients (or assets) we have:
- The strategic vision Teaching Greatness that includes numerous ways for the library to flourish and contribute;
- An experienced, motivated, and amazing staff and library faculty able to navigate a complex information ecosystem;
- The synergies that are possible with the Library, Writing Centre, and the Centre for Teaching Learning working together.
Between June and December 2022, staff and librarians brainstormed, discussed, and debated what Teaching Greatness means for us and what excites and inspires us.
Teaching Greatness
Energizing MacEwan’s commitment to exceptional undergraduate teaching
Implement a new Library Services Platform
Implement a new Library Services Platform, including developing a proposal, evaluation, and selection. We will provide seamless access to library resources, owned or not owned and from on – campus or off – campus. This project may involve working with other libraries in Alberta (e.g. NEOS).
Strategies for the Assessment of Library Teaching
Develop a sustainable cycle of strategies for measuring the impact and improving the Library’s information literacy and writing skills teaching.
Writing Across the Curriculum
Further writing across the curriculum in collaboration with the Centre for Teaching and Learning and acadamic departments and faculties.
Writing Support for Academic Integrity
Support MacEwan’s academic integrity processes with Writing Centre services and collaboration with the Academic Integrity Office.
Enhance Information Literacy Fundamentals Program
The Library and Writing Centre will invest in a collaborative process to review the Library’s current Information Literacy program for English and explore improvements. We will work closely with our partners in English throughout this process.
Smash the Calendar
Maximizing flexibility to meet students where they are
Reduce Textbook Costs
To help reduce textbook costs for students, promote and support the use and creation of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and the use of existing licensed resources.
Expand Library Hours
As more classes are offered on evenings and weekends and in Spring and Summer, ensure the library is open to meet increased student demand.
Alumni Access
Create and promote a plan for alumni on how to access library resources and services. Expand website information for alumni.
Grand as a Griffin
Preparing MacEwan graduates who are versatile and future-ready
Laptop Availability
Evaluate and improve our technology lending program and the Laptop Bursary program to ensure we are effectively meeting student need.
Making Across the Curriculum
Using new and existing equipment in the Library Makerspace, integrate active hands – on learning pedagogy across the curriculum in collaboration with Centre for Teaching and Learning and Faculties and Schools.
Community Scholars Program
Partner with community organizations (for example, Boyle Street, Bissell Centre, Mustard Seed, United Way, Art Gallery of Alberta, or the Royal Alberta Museum) to share resources or partner for information projects or events, including community scholars’ access to library resources.
Perpetual Motion
Pursuing deliberate growth to help shape Alberta’s future
Artificial Intelligence in the Library
Artificial Intelligence (and related technologies such as machine learning and natural language processing) have a number of applications in university libraries. These tools have the potential to transform academic librarianship for the better. We will investigate, try out, and evaluate AI tools to improve library services for our students and faculty.
The Inclusive Library
Inclusive libraries are staffed by culturally competent people, build diverse collections, identify and remove barriers, and have an expanded definition of ‘the library as a safe space.’ We will continue to work towards creating an inclusive library.
The First Year Experience
Participate in First Year Experience initiatives to further student success with research and writing to improve awareness of Library services.
Trend Setters and Trend Breakers
Strengthening the value MacEwan adds to the community through scholarship
Extended Reality for Teaching and Learning
In collaboration with Centre for Teaching and Learning, and Canada Research Chair in Immersive Learning, the Library will offer equipment, space, experiences, and expertise to support faculty and student exploration of extended reality and immersive learning.
Advanced Digital Scholarship
Develop a digital scholarship strategy to support, preserve and promote digital access to MacEwan research outputs in consultation with the Office of Research Services research and other potential external partners.
Our Place in O-day’min
Our approach to exceptional undergraduate learning isn’t by accident. It’s because of our place. These beliefs infuse the way we behave and the choices that we make, and will be brought to further life as we pursue our key directions.
Community and Indigenous Authors and Creators
Continue to collect non–traditionally published content from Indigenous authors and creators in Alberta: commit to purchasing materials by, for, and about Indigenous peoples living in Alberta.
Kids Friendly Space
Find other ways to make the library a welcoming space for children. Reach out to the community and welcome children in the door so they can start to think about the campus as a place that’s for them.
Hiring and Retention Processes
Improve the accessibility and inclusivity of the hiring and retention processes of the Library, including onboarding, mentoring and ongoing support for those hired to increase diversity of the Library workforce.
Learning Framework for Equity, Diversity,
and Inclusion
Develop a framework to guide learning within the Library that contributes to promoting equity, diversity, inclusion and opposing racism.